Hello everyone and welcome to A Hero's Blog Hop. I'm number 28 on this hop, but there are over 100 blogs participating to increase your chance of winning some great prizes!!
Those of you familiar with my books, you know I love to write about heroes from our military. In addition to writing 4 books about Navy SEALs (my Sweet Awakenings Series) I also have written Love Knows No Boundaries which tells the tale of a young law enforcement officer finding love in the most unlikely of places. In June, When Promise Meets Passion was released. It centers on a former Marine, turned Chief of Police who has a young and pretty deputy keeping him awake at night. Even my current works in progress have heroes in them. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to stay away from the strong protective types who will guard those that they love in the wake of all obstacles.
Along this hop you will read about some wonderful heroes. What makes a hero though? Does it always have to be someone who is willing to risk life and limb for others? Or is it someone who shelters and cares for the ones they love in other ways. Some may call a sports figure a hero.. Others may say it was a teacher who was generous with time when they didn't have to be.. While others may look to superheroes or movie stars. According to Dictionary.com, the definition of a hero states, "a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal"

for organizing such a wonderful hop!!
My hero is my hubby....military man!
I guess I would say my dad is my hero - he's always been there for us kids and is an honorable man. He's always doing something for others.
Thanks for the giveaway!
junegirl63 at gmail dot com
My hero is my husband. He's always there for me with his strength and his love.
My hero(s) are our men and women in uniform! They do so much to keep us safe and get so very little in return. They deserve every honor we can give them.
My main heroes are military heroes. Seriously, If I had to put my life into any of their hands it'd be a Marine. Daddy is a Marine and so is one of my closest friends and do or die is a good motivator.
Hands down, my hubby! He is in the army! He doesn't think himself a hero but I think that adds to why I think he is on. Thank you for the giveaway.
my husband - he's lover, provider, protector and friend .. with a great voice, an infectious laugh and body heat to keep me (always cold footed) warm at night.
Thanks for participating
my hero is my maternal grandfather. he served in the British armed forces during world war 2. on d day he was behind the lines in France trying to ensure the rest of the troupes got thru the firing lines with ease. he was also one of those who freed people from the concentration camps. he doesn't talk about it much but i know he values life above anything else
My dad is my hero, for sure. He's going through some major health issues right now, but still puts other people's welfare ahead of his own and does what he feels he has to. He's always been a giver, and I don't think he's ever thought about going about things any other way.
I think I'm gonna go with my dad as my hero. He's always looking to please the people around him and is often selfless.
My Mom will always be my hero. Thanks for the giveaway!
I think I have several in my life my husband, my father but when I think of a hero I think of my grandfather. He taught me the meaning of charity, of faith, of strength and he always reminded me to follow my dreams and never settle. Thanks Carin mawmom(at)gmail(dot)com
My mom and my husband are my biggest heroes. Thanks for participating! emily joy drake at gmail dot com
My perfect hero has to be tall, dark, and handsome, have a six or eight pack, be faithful, loyal, and love his woman beyond reason.<^_^>
Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win.
reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com
My husband is my hero. We have been married for 34 years and he is the person I go to when the world has not been nice to me.
My hero is my husband. We have been married only three months, but have known each other for ten years. He knows everything about me and I do of him. I couldn't ask for a better hero for me then him.
Thanks for the giveaway!! =)
My heroes are my kids. They have difficulties they have to overcome everyday & they just keep going.
I have many heroes (bless them!)--the young neighbor who carried me to safety in the flood; my son who held me close when my husband died; my daughter who saved a bit of him and put it in a locket for me; and my husband who was and is always there in my darkest hours, protecting me in unexpected ways. M. S. Spencer
My dad, he was the finest man I ever knew...Have a great summer!
My mom, she is my greatest hero, so many things would not have been possible if not for my mom. Thx for giveaway.
Harry Dresden from the Dresden files series by Jim Nutcher. Gotta love a Snarky underdog who just doesn't believe in not trying with everything you have.
My hero is my father, who swears who could never do anything withouthis woman by his side.
I'd say that my hero is my husband, he is a survivor of stage 4 non small cell lung cancer and it was thought that he wouldn't live outside 2 years of when he was diagnosed. It has been 5 1/2 years now and he's been cancer free for 3 1/2. He's also a Vietnam Veteran that served in our awesome Navy.
My fictional hero is Jim Heron from Fallen Angels by JR Ward. Need I say more? Good.
My RL hero is my father. Although he wasn't in my younger days much around he showed my the importance of learning from ones mistakes.
Military heros, whether contemporary or ancient are definitely awe inspiring.
My husband micheleann oboyle angelwolfmystic@yahoo.com
Military heroes who can let a strong woman help them heal. Love the chance to win your latest book! Thank you for participating in this blog hop.
My daughter is my hero. She's 7 and has endured so much from the start.(lots of medical issues) but she keeps a smile and reminds me of true strength!
My heroes are the men and women who who serve in our military and protect the country and it's people.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
My first hero was my dad.
Caity_mack@Yahoo dot com
there's a lot of heroes that I can think, fictional or not but just to point out one it would be men who are serving. I have great respect for them. thank you for the giveaway! thesolitarybookworm(@)gmail.com
My first hero was also my dad...he has passed away, but my husband is also my hero...
A hero is a person, who is utterly selfless. Someone who will go to any length to protect others who can't do it for themselves. Just thinking about a very recent and tragic event; there were some wonderful stories of true heroism.
My hero was my grandfather. Thanks for the giveaway.
My hero is my husband. He works so hard for the family so I can stay home with the kids.
My hero is my mom. She never let anyone tell her she couldn't do something. She was a go-getter who lived life to the fullest she could and found a lot of enjoyment in it.
My hero is my mom she is always their for me! Thank you for the great giveaway!
Latisha D
tishajean@ charter.net
My hubby is my hero...along with the many students I know who have served in the military and all of the students at my college studying BLET (Basic Law Enforcement Training) and Fire rotection Technology. Those folks are tough and willing to risk their lives every day in service to their communities.
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com
My mom is my hero - smart, single mom who did everything she could to get us raised. Love her!
Fav fictional hero - Rhage from the Brotherhood series :)
Thank you for the opportunity :) Loving all the stories about Heroes!!!
brunettelibrarian AT gmAil . c0m
The Brunette Librarian Blog
My hero is my dear husband who has been
by my side for 51 years. He gives his
all for our family and has a great sense
of humor. He is loving, loyal, and always
available to us when problems arise.
Pat C.
my mom is my hero. where would i be without her?
I don't have any real-life heroes, but the heroes in my books are strong and sensitive, charismatic and caring.
paulamartinromances(at) gmail.com
My hero is my Dad...RIP
Heroes are around us each day. I admire them all.
One of my biggest heros is my eldest son.
My book heros are definitely all ALPHA....large and in charge!
raynman1979 at yahoo dot com
My grandparents, and grandparent-in-law's are my heroes! They have been through so much and still keep going!
My book heroes are the McKay men from the Rough Riders series by Lorelei James. They have the alpha male attitude, but also the willingness to do anything for their lady! Can't go wrong with that.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
My heroes are those who put their lives at risk to help others.
I love heroes who put themselves out there when you think things are at a dead end like JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood.
My favorite fictional hero is my own, Heath. (Because he'll stone me to death if I name anyone else. Seriously, living with this guy in my head is quite the experience! LOL)
He isn't actually fully aware yet that he is going to be a hero, but that won't stop him from shoving his way into the spotlight! The funny thing about this is that when he actually does something heroic, like saving a bunch of orphans from a flood or beating the daylights out of an abusive bastard, he doesn't brag about it. He'd much sooner talk about his sexual conquests, his chess match wins, or his sexual conquests. (He's with twins right now, thus the double mention. My poor brain. LOL) But in the end he will prove that he is a great hero. Then again, maybe he'll be the ultimate villain. I'd hate to rule anyone out just yet, as readers will have a long journey ahead before that answer sneaks out! ;)
One of my favorite fictional heroes is Gabe from Pamela Clare's I-Team :)
My hero is my mother. She is the epitome of strength, wisdom, and caring. She has raised me, beat cancer, and now cares for my ill father. She does it without complaints or sorrow. Even at my age I can still look to her for advice. She lends me power strength to overcome my problems as well
my heros is the fre dept here in mo we are having so many fire aand t hey are trying to helot the farmer around here we are under the frie and bad
desitheblonde at smsn dot com
My hero is my mom. She has put other people before herself her whole life.
my mom is definitely my hero!
thanks for the chance!!
My hero is my mom. Shes an amazing person. Shes the type of person to give you the shirt off her back, give you a home if you need it, give you the last of her groceries, lend a helping hand, etc. Shes sweet, kind and always has a good word for everyone. She sees the best in people. Shes the type that if your glass in half empty, she sees it as half full and is grateful for it. Ive always looked up to her. If i can be half the person she is, id be happy. My mom works as a manager of a home that takes care of mentally ill people. She had a staff member that tried to get her fired more times than i can count, she gave my mom a hard time, and made her job..hellish. The woman had a boyfriend that stole her purse, which had all of her money, credit cards and the petty cash from her work (shed just cashed the check). (Over thousand dollars i think) The woman ended up in the hospital, had 3 or 4 strokes and was in really bad shape. You know what my mom did? She borrowed the money from check and go (a couple of them), took the blame for everything, and helped this woman get better. My mom wouldnt even accept the money back when the woman tried to repay her. My mom and her are now best friends. I have several stories like this. She may get a bit mad, but her thing is, people make mistakes. They shouldnt be punished for them forever. Whatever happened, happened and its now a new day. :) To me, my mom is amazing. Thanks for the fun hop and the awesome giveaway! Ya all rock!! :)
My hero has always been my mom. Thanks for this giveaway!!
feathermaye at gmail dot com
My hero is my Husband of 25 years.
Sorry forgot my email: joylynne66@hotmail.com
Ithink the best type of hero is someone who puts others before themselves, before their own health or safety.
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