I'm supposed to writing right now, but unfortunately some <insert expletive here> didn't get the memo that I have a certain amount of patience before I go batsh*t and sh*t starts to get real. So here's the deal...
File sharing eBooks without the expressed written consent of the books owners (i.e. author, publisher) is ILLEGAL. There is no GREY area over this. It IS illegal. You know how you rent a DVD and at the beginning there is a fancy little warning from the FBI that tells you that PIRACY of its content is illegal. Yeah, they put that there because… wait for it… it IS illegal. If this comes as a surprise to you, and you were somehow living under the illusion that the piracy laws were merely suggestions, let me be very clear to you when I say…. PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS. IT IS ILLEGAL! That's it! It’s illegal. There is no question. There are no ifs, ands or buts, it is…. Say it with me… ILLEGAL. Sound it out if you’re having trouble. Iiiiiiiii Lllllllll Eeeeee Ggggggg Aaaaaaa Llllllllllll
Got it now?? Where is the freaking accountability or the consequences for that matter??? Who raised these degenerates who believe it is okay to steal just because they want to? And before anyone decides to step up with the whole, “Well eBooks are so expensive…” wah wah wah bullsh*t, let me clue you in on a little something. ALL of these files being shared are being shared FROM eReader, laptop, smartphone users. How do I know this? Hmm… well you NEED an electronic device to read an e(lectronic) book. So, you can afford a hundred (or several hundred dollars in some cases) device, but you can’t download LEGALLY FREE books made available via Amazon? Or you can’t afford the .99 cents ones either?
Now, I’m sure you’re all thinking… well times are tough, have a heart, Nicole. And you’re right. Times ARE tough. So tough in fact that many authors work separate jobs in ADDITION to writing full time because even if we had a nickel for every “shared” and/or “pirated” book, we would have a hell of a lot more money. I just spent 20 minutes taking screen shots like I get paid a commission for every pic I save, so if you’d all sit back and get comfy…. maybe make yourself some popcorn, I’m about to go on a rant which will outdo any other rant I've ever written before.
Now, these names, email addresses and emails themselves are ALL available on the internet for ANYONE to see. These messages are taking place in a public group setting, NOT private, NOT closed, NOT secret, but public. All I needed to do was search the group name in yahoo groups and *poof* there it all was. All of the proof… and it is… how shall we say… in the pudding.
So, got your popcorn ready? Let’s do this………..
Now, let’s take a gander at one of the file sharers posts, in their special little Yahoo group shall we?
Hmm… someone’s going on vacation, huh? Awesome! I do hope she has fun on her “Vacation” since she can’t afford to buy 5 books. Sure….. okay! Self of entitlement much?
Or how about this gal, who owns a NOOK but can’t afford to buy 4 eBooks.
This screen shot though, ohhhhh this is one of my favorites. Look at how upset Amy gets when someone doesn’t follow the rules and asks for a free book in the Yahoo Group rather than the FB group. I mean just look at ALL of those exclamation marks!
Damn, poor Amy. I can only imagine how hard it is when the thieves you’re trying to assist in breaking federal law don’t abide YOUR rules. It must be extremely frustrating. Here, let me offer you a hug.
Okay, now that I’ve helped Amy feel a little better, let’s go onto another fun little chat I stumbled upon in that glorious Yahoo Group. In this one, if you read from the bottom to the top you’ll see the hard times that these ‘file sharers’ are forced to go through.
Can you believe that?? These poor poor people. Did you read that there post was removed because it didn’t fit guidelines?
Did you catch the email about Stephanie wanting to join the “book club”… yeah, that’s what it is… a book club.
And did you read how that poor girl was behind on emails so they missed the FB group announcement? Damn. People should not have to feel such heartache. Please know, I feel your pain.
Do I sound sarcastic? Well, you’d be right.
But wait… there’s more…
Let’s take a look at this sweet sweet soul who has thousands of books she’s willing to share with whoever wants them!
WHAT?! Did she just say that she’d only do that as long as it was within group rules? Hmm… I’m trying to remember what that other rule is… what is it again?
*drums fingers against desk while looking up to the ceiling”
Oh! I remember… IT’S ILLEGAL!
Now, I could go on and on with these screen shots and examples. But instead I’m going to screen shot something highly relevant to this particular “file sharing” issue. Ready? Are you sure you’re ready?
Okay. Here goes……….
Face it, you cannot interpret the law however you see fit. The law is what it is... a LAW!
Nicole - I freaking love it! You are so right!
Thank you, my sweet <3
So they acknowledge they're doing something wrong?!?!?!?!?! Wow....they're not sorry they've done it, they're sorry they GOT CAUGHT! I swear....does ANYONE have a conscience anymore?
Excellent blog, Nicole. I personally found a site that had downloaded one of my book 1700 TIMES, AND WERE PROUD to put that right out on the site. From that one site, at an average of $1.,50 per book, I LOST $2,250.00. Just one site. I work hard on the books I write, sometimes going to my computer at 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning. These people are stealing from me - from all of us. - Skye Michaels
Kenzie - It's sad isn't it. I wouldn't think of coming into their lives and stealing from them.
Thank you Barbara, I am so sorry that you have been affected by it. :(
Tara - Here here!
I sure hope so, Ekatrina! :)
Thank you!! people are not taking this serious enough- it's people who have friended us and won books from us- ughh
This is AWESOME! I thought I could sarcastic, you my darlin are GREAT! And SOOOO FREAKING RIGHT! It's just ridiculous!
It's happening more and more because these "PIRATES" seem to having nothing to fear. There needs to be stricter laws and those laws need to be enforced. But what about those thieves who are off in another country who do this pirating? They should have to pay the price too....I'd love to see all of them go to prison or have their computers explode with a horrible virus!
Wtf is wrong with people!!!!! This is crazy. You know what I understand times are rough for people right now but there is a place called the library you can get books if you can't afford to buy them. Also get free books from Amazon. Really people get a life n stop stealin g from these authors. His would they like it if someone stole portions of their paycheck???? They wouldn't. OK enough rant. Lol. Nichole your awesome!!!
I don't do a good sarcasm, but you nailed it. Thanks for the information and the great post. These so called rabid readers are unbelievable. http://flossiebentonrogers.com
I don't know you, but I like you! You're a rock star! Keep speaking truth to power. PIRACY IS THEFT!
Idk if it's the same person but I've seen one of those names in a lot of giveaway contests... This makes me so damn angry! Authors work should be respected and a reader blogger etc.. should feel honored to read their work not pirate it!!!! Great post thank you for writing it! :)
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