Everyone has a dark side..,
Dark Captive is an exclusive collection of dark erotic romance stories featuring alpha men with fierce sexual appetites. They'll stop at nothing to get what they want. And they have their sights on one man. Possessive and bold, these heroes give their conquests exactly what they crave—to be taken … to be owned. Any resistance offered will be tested, but in the end love rules.
Kidnapping, abduction, and sexual slavery are just a few of the titillating taboo themes in this hand-picked manlove anthology.
Dark Captive is an exclusive collection of dark erotic romance stories featuring alpha men with fierce sexual appetites. They'll stop at nothing to get what they want. And they have their sights on one man. Possessive and bold, these heroes give their conquests exactly what they crave—to be taken … to be owned. Any resistance offered will be tested, but in the end love rules.
Kidnapping, abduction, and sexual slavery are just a few of the titillating taboo themes in this hand-picked manlove anthology.

Get Off Hard by Lea Bronsen
Former hockey champion Slay was dethroned after the loss of his baby and subsequent divorce that led him into isolation and alcoholism. For years, he has lived a shitty life at the ice rink, employed to do the dirty jobs. The loneliness kills him. The memories haunt him. The only way to subdue the pain inside is to hurt himself.
A new player is traded into the team. Ricky is handsome, hot-tempered ... and gay. Though Slay is strictly into women, he enjoys fighting with the brawler on the ice, and their rough interaction arouses him. When Ricky gives him the eye, Slay wonders if he might be the playmate he's waiting for. But is Slay able to have a relationship with a man, and is Ricky up for Slay's hard sex games?
In order to find out, Slay locks him in and shows him how the bad guys do it…
"Don't be like me." I roll my chair over to Ricky so we're face-to-face.
His eyes ping-pong between mine. "What do you mean?"
"Don't become a bum like me. Don’t lower yourself to living in a small, dirty place in a dangerous neighborhood just so you can afford to be this tough guy and compensate for your sexuality."
"What?" His face scrunches in anger. "Fuck you!" He reaches out and gives my shoulders a shove so hard, my chair tips over.
"Ah!" I flap with my arms but can't avoid being propelled backward. My chair skids and lands on the floor with a shattering noise. The back of my skull hits and bounces off the hard surface. A sharp pain shoots outward before reds and blacks invade my brain, but I fight to stay awake, don't want to go away. This is too good, the hurt so intense I'm feeling alive for once, really motherfucking alive, tenfold what I experienced on the ice earlier. All the nerves in my head are on fire, sending sizzling darts of heat down my body, all the way to my groin.
"Slay," a distant voice says to my buzzing ear. Hot breaths brush the side of my face. "Slay, come back."
I croak, "I'm here." Floating in a euphoria of pain and digging it. The air was punched out of my lungs, but I catch my breath slowly. I fix my eyes to the ceiling above while endorphins circulate my body and blood inflates my cock. This sharp pain pulsating in the back of my head gives me the hard-on of the century. Ha ha, I feel so good! I'm laughing at life and kicking it in its face. This feeling is my fantasy, the condition I try to reach in the gym while hitting myself like crazy.
I reach for my throbbing cock and palm it through my jeans to ease the pressure.
An intake of breath sounds in the silence, almost a gasp.
Vision dancing, I gaze at Ricky.
He's at my side, on his knees, twining his hands, looking bothered. Not exactly sheepish, for his dark eyes glow with their usual fieriness and I read no apology in them, but he clearly doesn't like the situation.
Well, fuck him. I didn't go over the line addressing his issues, but this young bull has a way of taking everything personally.
He shifts. "Why in the hell aren't you pissed off?"
"Pissed off?"
"Yeah, you're lying there with a big grin on your face. If I were you and someone did this to me, I'd jump up and—"
I lift a hand. "I have a fairly good idea of what you'd do."
"You're not answering my question."
"And you're an arrogant asshole." I eye him and fight to stay calm. "I'm not angry, 'cause what you did makes me feel…" I don't know how to put it without making the message too blunt. Maybe he'll condemn me, like society would, if I tell him I get off on pain.
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Visit all of the tour stops to find out more about each story in this amazing anthology!
Dark Captive MM Anthology
Taylor Brooks http://authortaylorbrooks.blogspot.com
Sensuous Promos http://sensuouspromos.blogspot.com
Lea’s Crazy Nights https://leabronsen.com/crazy-nights-blog/
Liz’s Reading Life https://lizjosette.blogspot.com
Michelle Graham www.michellegrahambooks.com
Ravenna Tate http://ravennatate.blogspot.com
The Book Pub http://thebookpub.blogspot.com/
Donina Lynn doninalynn.com
Kitty’s Book Spot! 2kasmom.Booklikes.com
Gay Fiction Addiction https://www.facebook.com/ericsbooklove
(this will be a facebook blurb post and not an excerpt containing blog post)
Blog Reviews Janis F https://bookreviewsjanisf.com/
Illustrious Illusions Www.illustriousillusions.com
Wallflower Gone Wild http://ambermorganwrites.weebly.com/
Love Bites and Silk Ties http://lovebitessilkties.blogspot.co.uk/
Michelle Roth http://michelleroth.net/blog
Nicole Morgan http://nicolemorganauthor.blogspot.com/
Jules Dixon www.julesdixon.com/blog-3/
Darkest Cravings http://darkestcravings.blogspot.com
Nic’s Book Nook http://nicsbooknook.blogspot.com/
Wulf Tracks http://rosewulf.blogspot.com/
Erzabets Enchantments Http://erzabetsenchantments.blogspot.com
Bound by Passion http://www.boundbypassion.ca/
Nessie’s Place https://nesiesplace.wordpress.com
Nikki’s Nofsinger http://nikkitrueblue.blogspot.com/
Begin in the Dark http://naomiclarkwrites.blogspot.co.uk/
L.D. Blakeley www.ldblakeley.com/blog
Sage Marlowe http://sage-marlowe.blogspot.com/
Pick a Genre Already http://pickagenrealready.blogspot.ca
Nicki Day http://nickiday.blogspot.com/
Andrew Jericho http://andrewjericho.com/
Thanks so much for spotlighting Dark Captive on tour!
Thanks for hosting our anthology :-)
Thanks for featuring our book!
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